High Chaparral Leif Erickson Linda Cristal Henry Darrow Mark Slade Cameron Mitchell


Official groups and sites agree with our Mission statement and are a part of the world-wide High Chaparral family. Please visit them and join the fun!

The High Chaparral Reunion

The High Chaparral

Leif Erickson/Big John Cannon

Buck Cannon/Cameron Mitchell Friends & Fans

Cameron Mitchell Actor

Linda Cristal/Victoria Cannon

Linda Cristal Spanish Fans

Billy Blue Cannon

Henry Darrow/Manolito Montoya

Rudy Ramos Friends and Fans

Rudy Ramos/Geronimo, Life on the Reservation


High Chaparral on DVD high chaparal on dvd, chapparal

Are you looking for episodes? The High Chaparral on DVD is available NOW! This is an authorized commercial boxed set, includes all episodes, digitally remastered including the original pilot movie. With scenes that were deleted from previous releases, this is the set to own for true High Chaparral Fans!

Download a FREE e-book 'How to Attend The High Chaparral Reunion'

Descarga un libro electronico gratuito 'Como Asistir la Reunion de El Gran Chaparral'

Follow Us


Do you have a High Chaparral Facebook group or page, or a website that you'd like to have officially recognized by The High Chaparral Reunion and High Chaparral Newsletter?

Official Groups and Pages:

Agree with our Mission and Vision statement.

  • Display a custom branded logo.
  • Regularly submit articles for The High Chaparral Newsletter and post about their group/page to The High Chaparral Facebook Group and High Chaparral Reunion Facebook page.
  • Mutually support each other, HC events and the cast and crew.

For more information or to submit your High Chaparral related page or group CONTACT US and welcome to the ranch!

To celebrate, preserve and perpetuate the legacy of The High Chaparral

The High Chaparral Reunion is a non-profit organization dedicated to celebrating, preserving and perpetuating the legacy of The High Chaparral and other TV and movie Westerns. We create awareness of and appreciation for the historic and ongoing contributions of the America West to art, culture and heritage.

We acknowledge our Creator, and in the Spirit of this belief, we operate in a family-like, nurturing framework based on His principles to

• Make available, and contribute to, public forums such as conventions, events and other related productions for fans to share the show’s values via dialog, education, gatherings and support for each other to encourage personal growth. Those values include honesty, loyalty, integrity, perseverance, spirituality, courage, independence, friendship and family.

• Actively promote the continual public and private broadcasting of The High Chaparral and other Westerns to share with all generations as well as participate in activities that ensure the show’s place in history.

• Recognize and support professional and honorary opportunities for Western actors and crew, including memorials.

• Develop, promote and preserve our Western legends, culture and heritage.


High Chaparral cast

If your dream is to meet the stars from your childhood from ALL your favorite westerns in the real American West, then The High Chaparral Reunion is your dream come true! Catch YOUR star and Come Home to the High Chaparral!